World Alzheimer’s Day Fundraising Challenge is TODAY! 

TODAY is World Alzheimer’s Day. We would like to take a moment and thank every one of you for your commitment and determination to help advance Alzheimer’s research and find a cure for future generations. Share the Marr Fund IMPACT and WHAT WE SUPPORT by sending out our one-pager found by clicking here

Want to win some Marr swag?! There are THREE ways to win the World Alzheimer’s Day Fundraising Challenge TODAY!

  • The individual who raises the most money
  • The individual who receives the most donations
  • Any team member who raises over $150 via TeamRaiser will be entered into a chance drawing

To increase your fundraising success, don’t forget to:

If you have any questions, please contact or call/text 774 262 0314.

From start to finish,

Ali, Ally and Caroline

P.S. If you tell your network to Venmo you a donation, let us know the total numbers of dollars raised so we can put you in the running!