Welcome to the 2023 Marr Fund Team!

We are so excited that you have chosen to run the Maine Marathon, Half Marathon, Relay Race, or Virtual Event with the Marr Fund Team in support of the Josephine and John Marr Alzheimer’s Research Fund at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. We appreciate your commitment and look forward to supporting you every step of the way as you prepare for race day.

Please make sure you are officially registered for the Marr Fund Team by following the steps below by August 30:

*TeamRaiser is our fundraising platform and separate from step one, the Maine Marathon registration. You will be required to pay a $5 registration fee that is separate from your fundraising commitment. The deadline to raise the amount you agree to on TeamRaiser is October 1 at 6AM.

FIRST Fundraising Challenge! All runners who raise/donate $50 by Wednesday, August 9 will be entered into a chance drawing for FOUR General Admission seats to a Sea Dogs home game!! Help us kick off this year’s fundraising as we aim to raise $250,000 as a TEAM!

Marr Team Resources/Runner Hub:  http://maine.bwhevents.org/ Bookmark this site on your computer and phone for quick answers to all your questions. The hub includes past emails, important dates, fundraising tips and tricks, a training schedule, and instructions about receiving donations, plus more! See below for a few documents that should be very helpful in getting you to the starting line.

Fundraising Incentives: The fundraising commitment for in-person runners is $150 and for virtual, $100, but we encourage everyone to set your goal higher to be eligible for some great perks below!

If you have any questions, please contact team@bwh.harvard.edu or call/text 774 262 0314.

From start to finish,

Ali, Ally and Caroline